The insights gathered from this survey will help us evaluate the service being provided. Thank you for your participation.
Q1. Based on your experience, would you recommend Medical Information Online (MIO) to your colleagues? (Select 1-5, with 5 meaning you would very likely recommend the service)
1 (not likely)
5 (very likely)
Q2. Is the information that you received relevant to your specific request?
Q3. What can BMS do to improve your experience with Medical Information Online?
Expand content and format offerings available on the website
Provide additional scientific resources:
Improve the relevancy of search results displayed
No improvements are needed
Q4. What was the primary purpose of your visit today? (check all that apply)
I have a medical question on a BMS product
Browsing the site
Looking for specific content in my area of interest
I was looking for information related to something I read in the news/social media
None of the above
Submit Feedback
Provide additional scientific resources:
clinical data
sponsored clinical trial information
congress materials
pipeline information